This, That, These, Those
.We use this, that, these and those to point to people and things-
.This and that are singular –
.These and those are plural-
1- .This is a book. ( one book) (singular) / here / near
? What’s this-
.This is a door-
.This is a pen-
?Did you like this
. I’d like this, please-
2- That is a cat. (one cat.) (singular) / there / far
? What’s that-
.That is a desk-
.That is a car-
?Did you like that-
I’d like that, please-
3- .These are books . ( More than one book) ( plural ) / here / near
.These are bags-
.These are pens –
?Can I have one of these-
4- Those are cats . ( More than one cat ) ( plural ) / there / far
Quiz:This ,That ,These,Those
نسعد بزيارتكم للموقع وتصفحكم لمواضيع وأقسام موقع بلبل إنقلش
English Level Test
اختبر مستواك في اللغة الأنجليزية عبر احد هذه المواقع
الرخصة المهنية للمعلمين English
Lessons- دروس اللغة الإنجليزية
Games – العاب تعليمية مميزة
Quizzes- اختبارات متنوعة
Grammar-شروحات القواعد
This, That, These, Those
This, That, These, Those