There Is -There Are . 5 سنوات ago 836 Created on March 18, 2020 By مطلق الحربي There Is -There Are 1 / 14 ?Are there two cats in the room Yes,there is Yes,there are 2 / 14 ?Is there a cat in the room Yes,there is Yes,there are 3 / 14 ? any trains to London this morning__________ Is there Are there 4 / 14 ? a dog in the supermarket__________ Is there Are there 5 / 14 .any banks in this street________________ There isn't There aren't 6 / 14 .any money in the house________________ There isn't There aren't 7 / 14 . five people in the office___________ There is There are 8 / 14 . three chairs in the classroom___________ There is There are 9 / 14 . one table in the classroom.___________ There is There are 10 / 14 .not offices or factories in this village___________ There is There are 11 / 14 . three boys in the restaurant_______________ There is There are 12 / 14 . a student in the class ___________ There is There are 13 / 14 .some books in my bag ___________ There is There are 14 / 14 a pen on the table___________ There is There are Your score is The average score is 77% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Learn More{{/message}}{{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Learn More{{/message}}Submitting… ————————————– نسعد بزيارتكم للموقع وتصفحكم لمواضيع وأقسام موقع بلبل إنقلش English Level Test اختبر مستواك في اللغة الأنجليزية عبر احد هذه المواقع الرخصة المهنية للمعلمين English Stories Lessons- دروس اللغة الإنجليزية Games – العاب تعليمية مميزة Quizzes- اختبارات متنوعة Grammar-شروحات القواعد ———————————————- There Is -There Are