مجلة اللغة الإنجليزية 1441هـ

مجلة اللغة الإنجليزية بمدارس الهيئة الملكية بينع 1441هـ

English l a n g u a g e Journal 2020

مجلة اللغة الإنجليزية 1441هـ
مجلة اللغة الإنجليزية 1441هـ
مجلة اللغة الإنجليزية 1441هـ

In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. I am really proud of Royal Commission professional learning communities whose efforts converted the idea of having a journal into a real tangible great achievement. It was my pleasure and happiness to coordinate the collaborative work of my colleagues who exerted marvelous endeavors and overcame the challenges to bring out this journal which is meant to be the spark of exchanging the scientific experiences amongst the educational field. Through Action Research Methodology, this journal is characterized by the recognition that teaching English is a complex, dynamic and renewable operation which aims at employing the pupils’ role in all language acquisition processes. The domain of the journal goes in accordance with the orientations of the General Directorate of Supervision in the professional development of English language teachers and supervisors. Therefore, three essential topics were comprehensively covered in the current journal starting from motivation as a very important factor in language learning that plays a vital role in building a positive attitude within the learner. Flipped classroom is the second topic introduced in the journal which may represent the consequence of the motivation process and through which the learner will be practising a wider responsibility for his learning. Gamification came lastly to familiarize the learner with English language through introducing the lesson contents in an interesting context where the learners can enjoy learning through entertainment and become eager for acquiring the language. I would like to thank all the English language teachers who contributed in this work for their professionalism in dealing educationally and scientifically with the journal topics. I ask Allah the Almighty to crown their efforts with success. Dr. Abdulhaq Khalid Jeto Educational Supervisor of English Language I

مجلة اللغة الإنجليزية بمدارس الهيئة الملكية بينع 1441هـ

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