بعض الأسئلة المحتملة في المقابلة
تحدث عن نفسك⋆Tell us about yourself…
I am …. an /a ….. teacher in the …. school. I have been teaching for … years. I have the ability to use computer. I have got more than … courses and more than … certificates from different places. …….. etc
⋆What is your strengths and weaknesses points?
ماهي نقاط قوتك ونقاط ضعفك؟
My strengths points are…..
-analyzing information
a committed person-
My weaknesses points are….
-don’t like calculating
-slow in……
But I can overcome them by training…..
⋆Talk about the Education in Saudi Arabia in general?
تحدث عن التعليم في المملكة العربية السعودية بشكل عام؟
When Saudi Arabia formally became a nation in 1932, education was largely limited to instruction for a select few in Islamic schools. Today, public education from primary education through college is open to every Saudi citizen.
It is available in two forms: governmental, private. The Government provides free education at four levels, primary, intermediate, secondary and university education. Students are given textbooks, transportation, and a reward for university students and those enrolled in professional institutes.
⋆Which country did you choose? Why?
أي دولة اخترت؟ ولماذا؟
I have chosen ….. for many reasons. First, the high quality of their education system. Second, the people are friendly and open minded. Finally…….,
⋆Which city are you from?
من أي مدينة انت؟
I am living in …. . It is a big/small city. ….. But I am originally from…….
⋆Tell us about your school….
اخبرنا عن مدرستك..
My school is called …. It is a/ an primary /intermediate/secondary school. It is a big/ small / modern school. I have been there for … years. I also work as a …..
⋆What is the last book you have read?
ما هو اخر كتاب قراته؟
I have read …. It was about …. I enjoyed it so much.
I am reading ….. I can’t wait to finish it. It is about…..
⋆Tell us about your achievements
اخبرنا عن انجازاتك…
-Talk about your role in your school
-Talk about your courses that you took
-Talk about your goals
⋆What do you know about 2030 Saudi Vision?
ماذا تعرف عن رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية؟
Is the post-oil plan for Saudi Arabia announced on 25 April 2016. Saudi Arabia’s ambitious plan has focused on several points:
Sovereign Fund-
Freedom from Oil-
-Subtracting Aramco
-Green Card
-30 million pilgrims
-Employment and the private sector
-Military industry
-Housing Projects
⋆What does “Khoborat” mean?
ماذا تعني “خبرات”؟
It means specific professional development program.
⋆What is your goal of joining the program?
ماذا هدفك من الانضمام لهذا البرنامج؟
I want to join the program to get development and keep up with the Saudi vision to develop education and teacher and to learn about the education systems of different countries and the interaction with other cultures.
⋆What are your plans after returning from the program?
ماهي خططك بعدا لعودة من البرنامج؟
I would like to convey all the experiences and lessons that I have benefited from for other teachers and to employ what I have learned in the field of my work as I can.
⋆Describe yourself….
صف نفسك …..
I am a good person, friendly, ambitious, optimistic, modest.
I have loyalty to my religion and country.
I like to learn something about everything……
⋆Tell us why you deserve this chance…..
اخبرنا لماذا تستحق هذه الفرصة…..
I will reflect the best picture of my country. I will do my best to benefit from everything that will be taken. I will transfer it to use it in appropriate way from it in our country.
⋆What does motivate you?
ما الذي يحفزك؟
I am a positive person and I would like to be optimistic. I can find the motivation when I want to do something by looking to its bright side.
⋆How can you make a decision?
كيف يمكنك اتخاذ قرار؟
By looking at the pros and cons of the subject then I will take my decision.
⋆If you come across someone racist talking against you, your religion, your country…. what will you do?
اذا صادفت شخص عنصري يتحدث ضدك او ضد دينك او ضد بلدك ماذا ستفعل ؟
If the racist person is a stranger and wants problems, I will ignore him.
But if the person was Saudi, I will inform the embassy.
مع تمنياتنا بالتوفيق
أحلام الشهري
نسعد بزيارتكم للموقع وتصفحكم لمواضيع وأقسام موقع بلبل إنقلش
English Level Test
اختبر مستواك في اللغة الأنجليزية عبر احد هذه المواقع
الرخصة المهنية للمعلمين English
Lessons- دروس اللغة الإنجليزية
Games – العاب تعليمية مميزة
Quizzes- اختبارات متنوعة
Grammar-شروحات القواعد
بعض الأسئلة المحتملة في المقابلة