أسئلة كفایات اللغة الإنجلیزیة للمعلمین والمعلمات لعام ١٤٣٩ ھ
1- the words stake and steak are:
d- homophnes ✓
stake /steɪk/ تعني رھان
steak /steɪk/ تعني شریحة لحم
ھناك اتفاق في النطق الصوتي واختلاف في الكتابة والمعنى.
2- The vowel in the word “fight” is:
a- aphthong
b- diphthong ✓
c- triphthong
d- monophong
fight /faɪt/
الادغام: حرفین من حروف العلھ یكونون مع بعض.
fight مثل عند نطق
3-bottom-up listening strategies include ……:
a- recognizing words ✓
b- making predictions
c- drawing inferences
d- forming hypothesis
استراتیجیة من الاسفل للأعلى تشمل : التعرف على الكلمات
4-The understanding of the function of the spoken utterance in a given
situation is known as ……..:
a- linguistic competence
b- strategic competence
c- pragmatic competence ✓
d- discourse competence
pragmatic competence: involves an understanding of the function of
a spoken utterance in a given situation.
الكفاءة العملیة: فھم وظیفة الكلام المنطوقة في حالة معینة.
5-While teaching listening, which of the following includes a
technique a language instructor might use to implement top-down
a-Recognizing cognates
b- Listening for the main idea✓
c-listening for specific
a-Recognizing word-order patterns
top-down = main idea
استراتیجیة من الاعلى للأسفل تركز على فھم الفكرة الرئیسیة
6-Which skills associated with the Broca Area in
the brain?
منطقة بوركا في الدماغ مرتبطة بإنتاج الكلام
7-……. are real objects used to help EFL students better understand
the meaning of new vocabulary?
a- realia✓
b- T-chart
c- drawings
الأشیاء الحقیقیة المستخدمة لمساعدة الطلاب في تعلم اللغة الاجنبیة بشكل أفضل في فھم معنى
real objects = realia . المفردات الجدیدة
8-which of the following stages of a lesson encourages students to use
their preexisting knowledge?
a- production
b- Evaluation
c- warm up✓
d- practice
تشجیع الطلاب على استخدام معرفتھم السابقة {ویكون قبل مایاخذون المعلومات الجدیدة} ھذا
یسمى الاحماء warm-up
9-Which question is most relevant to identifying the desired results of a
a-how can the teacher engage the students throughout the lesson?
b- what prior knowledge and skills do my students have before this
c- how much time do I spend on each activity during the lesson?
d-what should my students have learned by the end of this lesson? ✓
10-sounds made with the tongue touching the front teeth. Such as the
English /θ/ and /ð/ are ….. :
a- velar
b- dental✓
c- palatal
d- bilabial
11-Which of the conversational maxims does the speaker seem to be
particularly careful about in this sentences “I may be mistaken, but I
thought I saw him smoking yesterday”?
a- quality✓
b- manner
c- relation
d- quantity
12-ELL beginners in Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries tend to use
the [b] sound instead of [p] when pronouncing the word ‘protocol’
which of the following types of negative L1 transfer could be used to
describe this phenomenon?
a- hypercorrection
b- underproduction
c- misinterpretation
d- underdifferentiation ✓
Underdifferentiation: The representation of two or more
phonemes, syllables, or morphemes with a single symbol. For
example, the symbol S is used to represent /s/ /z/ and /sh/.
13- Which of the following is a specific learning outcome؟
A- Students will be able to appreciate English
B- Students will be able to understand the writing
C- Students will be able to value phonetics and phonology
D- Students will be able to use present tense in reports✓
14-closed-ended questions are designed to :
a- encourage creativity
b- discuss arguments
c- ensure objectivity✓
d- express opinions
15- By Noam Chomsky _______ is an ability linguistics, knowing
meaning of word even if not hear before.
a- performance
b- competence ✓
c- cognitive
d- native speakership
✓ معرفة معنى كلمة حتى لو لم یسمع من قبل: ب- الكفاءة
16- Writing that conveys a story, and often is read for pleasure is
recognized as………writing
a- narrative ✓
b- expository
c- persuasive
✓ الكتابة التي تنقل قصة، وغالبا ما ت قرأ للمتعة تسمى: سردیھ او روائیة
17- which of the following is a general learning outcome?
a- students will be able to write descriptive essay.
b- students will be able to write personal stories.
c- students will be able to write academically. ✓
d- students will be able to write E-mails to classmates.
18- In academic writing, what is the part of a research paper that
typically gives the reader brief idea about the whole paper
including research methodologies used and main findings?
A- Literature Review
B- Table of contents
C- Introduction
D- Abstract✓
في الكتابة الأكادیمیة، ھناك جزء من ورقة البحث تعطي القارئ فكرة موجزة عن النص كامل
✓ …..: الملخص
19- “each other is a ……… pronoun.
A- personal
B- reflexive
C- reciprocal ✓
D- possessive
20- which one is a sub-clausal negation:
a- that is impossible ✓
b-they never try to win
c- Nothing happened
d-Nobody knows this
21-in which reading strategy do students identify and fix problems
with their understanding of the text?
a- predicting
b- monitoring ✓
c- Elaborating
d- highlighting
أي استراتیجیة في القراءة یقوم الطلاب بتحدید وتعدیل الأخطاء مع فھمھم للنص؟
✓ المراقبة
22-Sally Shaywitz talked about two neutral pathways for reading in
the of the brain. in which of the brain do these pathways resides?
a- front
b- right
c- back
23-which of the following steps begins the process of teaching
fluency in reading?
a- collaborative learning
b- independent practice
c- direct instruction✓
d-guided modeling
24 – the ability to produce a cohesive coherent text out of a series
of utterances is known as ….. competence.
a- discourse ✓
b- grammatical
d- sociolinguistic
d- communicative
discourse competence: the ability to produce and understand
coherent text (written and oral) within various genres.
القدرة على إنتاج وفھم النص المتماسك (المكتوب والشفوي) في مختلف الأنواع.
25- which of the following language teaching methods is most
closely aligned to the behaviorist theory?
a- the natural method
b- the silent way method
c- the Audio-lingual method ✓
d- the communicative method
26- The direct method places emphasis on :
a- translation
c-the first language
d- the target language ✓
الطریقة المباشرة تھدف لتعلم كیفیة التواصل باللغة المستھدفة.
This method intends for students to learn how to communicate in the
target language
27- The …. gives students the chance to have conversation where
they receive meaningful input from teachers and other students.
Which will in turn lead to acquisition of the grammatical rules and
vocabulary of the second language .
a- scaffolding theory
b- behaviorist theory
c- interactionist theory ✓
d- theory of comprehensible input
28- in the early stages of language learning Arab learners may
produce sentences such as ; She has a smile beautiful instead of
she has a beautiful smile . this can be explained as ….:
a- overextension
b- positive transfer
c- negative transfer ✓
d- overgeneralization
29- The type of language that a foreign learners creates based on
his first language the target language is known as ..:
a- interlanguage✓
b- intralanguage
c- crosslanguage
d- translanguage
اللغة التي ینشئھا المتعلمین الأجانب استنادا إلى لغتھ الأولى في اللغة المستھدفة نسمیھ تداخل
30- “The silent way” is a method used in teaching English as a
second language. Using “The Silent way” means that :
a- teachers speak more than their students
b- students speak more than their teachers.✓
c- students learn only through body language
d- teachers are not allowed to speak in the classroom.
The silent way: is a methodology of teaching language based on the
idea that teachers should be as silent as possible during a class but
learners should be encouraged to speak as much as possible.
الطریقة الصامتة :ھي منھجیة لتعلیم اللغة تعتمد على فكرة أن المعلمین یجب أن یكونوا
صامتین قدر الإمكان خلال الدرس ولكن یجب تشجیع المتعلمین على التحدث قدر الإمكان.
31- What do we call language that were originally pidgins, but over
time have become the first language of many people ?
a- pidgins
b- creoles✓
c- dialects
d- vernaculars
a creole: is often define as a pidgin that has become the first language
of new generation of speakers .
32- one downside of the web-based learning resources is that … :
a- they overcome physical distance
b- they can be updated quickly and easily
c- they offer flexibility in time and location
d-they can be affected by technical problems ✓
جانب سلبي في التعلم عن طریق الانترنت انھ ممكن یتأثر بمشاكل تقنیھ مثل فشل الاتصال
بالإنترنت، الأعطال على شبكة الإنترنت الخ
33- The combination of both on-line and face-to-face education is
known as … :
a- blended learning✓
b- flipped classroom
c- mobile classroom
d- conventional learning
الجمع بین كلاً من التعلیم المباشر (اونلاین) و التعلیم وجھاً لوجھ یسمى التعلیم المدمج .
34- Frank wants to give his intermediate school students
homework to improve their vocabulary about Solar System . Which
of the following is most likely to motivate students to do this
assignment ?
a- Going to the public library✓
b- using YouTube videos
c- listening to the radio
d- reading a book
فرانك یرید ان یعطي طلابھ في المرحلة المتوسطة واجب منزلي لتطویر المفردات الخاصة بھم
حول النظام الشمسي . أي من الآتي الأكثر احتمالا لتحفیز الطلاب لعمل ھذا البحث؟
ا-الذھاب الى المكتبة العامة
ب-استخدام فیدیوھات الیوتیوب
ج-الاستماع الى الرادیو
د-قراءة كتاب.
بما ان المطلوب (تطویر مفردات ) الإجابة الأقرب الذھاب للمكتبة
35- What type of learning objective is this ? [by the end of this
course , the student will be able to name three manners of
a- Evaluation
b- knowledge✓
c- application
d- comprehension
36- Which of the following is the most adequate behavioral
objective for a grammar lesson about the past simple tense ? by
the end of the lesson , students ….
a- will be able to use the past simple correctly✓
b- will be able to understand the past simple tense
c- will know when to use the past simple tense
d- will realize the importance of past simple tense
37- The only approach that doesn’t take students’ unique abilities
into consideration is …… :
a- cooperative learning ✓
b- multisensory teaching
c- project-based assessment
d- the grammar-translation method
38- Which of the following teaching strategies. promotes student
engagement ?
a- making learning real. ✓
b- allowing less wait time
c- using the same activities
d- increasing teacher talk time
39- to identify students’ unique academic abilities teacher should:
a- conduct progress test
b- conduct a diagnostic✓
c- ask students about their abilities
d- ask other teacher about students.
✓ لتحدید قدرات الطلاب الأكادیمیة یجب على المعلم: ب- إجراء اختبار تشخیصي
40- which of the following questions encourages students’ critical
thinking ?
a- when was Great Expectation published ?
b- who is the author of Great Expectations?
c- What are the major themes of Great Expectations ?
d- what is an alternative conclusion for Great Expectations? ✓
أي من الاتي یشجع الطلاب على التفكیر الناقد؟:
د-ماھي الخاتمة البدیلة لروایة التوقعات العظیمة؟
41- Which teaching style encourages students to engage in selfdirected
learning experiences?
a- Expert
b- Facilitator✓
c- Delegator
d- Formal authority
ما أسلوب التدریس الذي یشجع الطلاب على الانخراط في تجارب التعلم المباشر الذاتي؟
ب- المیسر
42- ….. test measure how much the students have learned of the
recently taught material
a- aptitude
b- progress✓
c- placement
اختبار یقیس ما تعلمھ الطلاب مؤخرا: ب-اختبار التقدم
43- before planning a lesson, it is important to consider a number
of factors . One of these factors is ….
a- deciding the time allocated to each lesson
b- setting a proper grading system for each activity
c- designing task that can measure students’ understanding for the
d- understanding the educational and cultural background of the
قبل التخطیط للدرس، من المھم النظر في عدد من العوامل , أحد ھذه العوامل ھو ….:
د- فھم الخلفیة التعلیمیة والثقافیة للطلاب
44- Which of the following is Not considered a good practice of
teaching grammar?
a- accepting students’ “nonstandard” or “developmental” grammar
b- Focusing on how we combine words to make meaning
c- giving students a chance to practice grammar to internalize it
d- using non-contextualized grammar drills worksheets✓
أي مما یلي لا یعتبر ممارسة جیدة لتدریس قواعد اللغة؟:
د-استخدام أوراق عمل لتدریبات القرار في غیر سیاقھا
45- which of the following teaching theories is based on the
coordination of language and bodily movements to motivate
students to react to verbal input ?
a-the monitor model
b- the natural approach
c- total physical response✓
d-dogme language teaching
bodily movements = TPR
46- Teacher use ……… assessment at the end of a lesson to
ensure that objectives are met :
b- diagnostic
c- formative✓
یستخدم المعلم التقویم ……. في نھایة الدرس لكي یتأكد من تحقیق الأھداف: التكویني
47- placing emphasis on L2 learners’ expression of their opinions
in their L2 writing is known as ….:
a- style
b- voice✓
c- genre
d- mood
تأكید التركیز على تعبیر متعلمي اللغة الثانیة عن آرائھم في كتاباتھم تعرف ب: الصوت
48- Which of the following topics can be written about in a
“process” paragraph?
a- How to make a milkshake✓
b- your best summer vacation
c- sports games you don’t like
d- a person who changed history
49- …….. is a kind of an assessment where students collect samples of
their works to track their progress during an academic year.
a-performance assessment
b- task based assessment
c-portfolio assessment✓
نوع من التقییم حیث یقوم الطلاب بجمع نماذج من أعمالھم لتتبع التقدم المنجز خلال العام
الدراسي: ملف الانجاز
50- In an ……… , the students performance is compared to the set
standard and analyzed to find out the quality of performance taking place.
a- examination
b- assessment ✓
c- observation
d- evaluation
51- During which of the following writing processes do students review
and amend their writing?
a- prewriting
b- publishing
c- drafting
d- editing✓
52- The skill of re-writing a text by maintaining the same idea, but with
significantly different wording is known as…..;
b- summarizing
c- outlining
مھارة إعادة كتابة النص مع الحفاظ على نفس الفكرة، ولكن بصیاغة مختلفة إلى حد كبیر
تعرف ب:
ا- إعادة صیاغة
53-which of the following is a subject-oriented writing style that is used
when explaining how to processes?
c- persuasive
أي مما یلي من أنواع الكتابة یستخدم عند شرح كیفیة العملیات؟
ب- التفسیر.
54- One of the general principals of course design is orientation. It
entails…….. ;
a-checking whether the needs of the target group have been met.
b- evaluating materials in the light of accreditation standards.
c- brainstorming with colleagues and selecting course materials✓
d-monitoring lessons and selecting suitable teaching techniques.
واحد من المبادئ العامة وضع بتأكید ھو التوجیھ . ویستلزم ذلك:
ج-تبادل الأفكار مع الزملاء واختیار المواد الدراسیة
55-Allen adopts Audio Lingual Method [ALM] in his English classes.
Thus, in his classes,…..:
a- students’ language errors are tolerated.
b- explicit grammatical rules are not provided✓
c- grammatical rules are presented with examples
d- translation is used to clarify the new grammar patterns
في دروسھ في اللغة الإنجلیزیة. وبالتالي في [ALM] ألین یتخذ طریقة اللغة الصوتیة
فصولھ، …:
ب- عدم وجود قواعد نحویة صریحة
56- According to Krashen, what kind of input necessarily leads to the
acquisition of a second language?
b- conversational
57- Historical linguistic is defined as the study of ……….:
a-How language is used in society
b- language in its cognitive function
c- language as it relates to the mind
d-How language develops over time. ✓
علم اللغة التاریخیة: ھو الدراسة العلمیة لتغییر اللغة مع مرور الوقت.
58-According to Noam Chomsky, ……….. is a person’s underlying
(subconscious) linguistic ability to create and understand sentences,
including sentences they have never heard before?
a-native speakership
b- performance
c- competence✓
من كلمة (لاوعي) نعرف المقصود الكفاءة ، لان الاكتساب دایما یكون تحت مظلة
59-Which of the following terms means that grammars of all language
change time?
b- generality
c- Universality
60-Which group of words below is auxiliaries?
a- this, that, my
b- may, can, should✓
c- very, too, maybe
d- before, inside, from
61- The clause in the sentences “Noura is working on her homework”
b- exclamative
c- declarative✓
62-The reading teacher introduced his students to a short story where a
wealthy boy was robbed by a poor man in Italy. which of the following
questions helps the students think critically?
a-How did mother react.
b-How plausible is the poor man’s story? ✓
c- how did the boy feel about the robbery?
d-how did the police catch the poor man at the end?
قدم مدرس القراءة قصة قصیرة إلى طلابھ حیث سُلب صبي ثري من قبل رجل فقیر في إیطالیا.
أي من الأسئلة التالیة تساعد الطلاب التفكیر النقدي؟:
– كیف یمكن ان تكون قصة الرجل الفقیر؟
63- Which of the following theories argues that language learning is a
process of linguistic imitation and habit formation?
a-The Innatist Theory
b-The Cognitivist Theory
c- The Behaviorist Theory✓
d-The Sociocultural Theory
Lesson # 3
topic : Holidays
Date: Monday 25 Nov. 2017
Aim: to give controlled practice of grammatical structures
64- which of the following learning activities would achieve the
above aim?
a- completing a gap-fill grammar exercise in a workbook✓
b- exchanging workbook and checking their partner’s work
c- discussing grammatical differences between Arabic and English.
d- playing a puzzle game based on grammar technical terms.
65- learning goals need to be SMART goals, (specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic and timely). Which of these five
principles did Sami miss when he gave the following assignment
instructions to his students ?
(You need to give a presentation on British spelling vs. American
spelling , prepare three to four slides on that topic including 8
examples (each has half a point) , use photos and videos if you
like , and use Microsoft PowerPoint to produce on electronic file)
a- Attainable
b- Realistic
c- Specific
d- timely✓
المعلم لم یحدد التوقیت المحدد لتسلیم الطلاب واجباتھم.
66- in which of the following teaching methods is the class taught
in Arabic with little active use of English ?
a- the informal method
b- the inductive method
c- the communicative method
d- the grammar translation method✓
in the Grammar Translation Method: classes are taught in the
mother tongue, with little active use of the target language.
67- What type of learner has a preference for physical activity and
information that is best encountered in tactile ways and through
application in real-world activity?
physical activity= kinesthetic
68-Written lesson plans have many advantages for the teachers. which of
the following is NOT one of these advantages?
a-they can give teachers an idea about students’ motivation and
b-they can serve as formal evidence in case teachers are to be observed.
c-they can be used as a record or reminder of what has been taught.
d-they can help teachers improve their teaching for next semesters.
69- Which of the following refers to how assessment measure what it is
supposed to measure?
Read the following passage, then answer the six questions that follow:
1} The damage you described in your letter of 7 July has now been
2} faults in the wiring appear to have been caused by dripping water The
from the floor above. The electrical contractor, who put the wiring in in
February, tells me that the wall was dry at the time he replaced the old
However, we will arrange for repairs to be made and seal off that section.
3} Durafloor is one of the most hardwearing materials of its kind on the
market and we were surprised to hear that it had worn away within six
months, so we made a close inspection. We noticed that the floor had been
cut into and this seems to have been the result of dragging heavy metal
one-year guarantee we offer on our workmanship is boxes across it. The
against ‘normal wear and tear, and the treatment the floor appears to have
been subjected to does not come into this category. I am quite willing to
arrange for the surface to be replaced, but we will have to charge you for
the materials and work involved. If I may, I would like to suggest that you
instruct your staff to use trolleys when shifting heavy containers.
4} I am sorry about the inconvenience you have experienced and will tell
the fitters to repair the damage as soon as I have your confirmation that
they can begin work.
70 – The above passage is ….:
a- a reply to a complaint ✓
b- a reply to an enquiry
c- a work order
d- a complaint
القطعة السابقة عبارة عن رد على شكوى.
71- According to paragraph (2) , the problems with writing were
caused by.. :
a- The old wires
b- leaking water✓
c- the new wires
d-the electrical contractor
كانت المشكلة تسریب المیاه
72- According to paragraph (3) the floor problems were caused
a- poor workmanship
b- normal wear and tear
c- the use of faulty material
d- the employees working in that area✓
73- According to paragraph (3) , which of the following is true ?
a- the damaged floor surface will be replaced free of charge
b- The floor surface needs to be inspected every year in July
c- staff needs to be instructed about how to treat the floor✓
d- Durafloor needs to be replaced every six months
74- According to paragraph (4) , the replacement of the damaged
floor surface …… :
a- is going to begin when the customer notifies the contractor. ✓
b- is going to begin when the workmen are available
75- The word “inconvenience” in the passage is closest in meaning
to :
a- time pressure
b- coincidence
c- bad luck
نھایة الأسئلة..
إن اصبت فمن لله وإن أخطأت فمن نفسي والشیطان ،
بالتوفیق لنا جمیعاً
من لدیھ تعلیق او تعدیل او استفسار استقبل كلامكم بصدر رحب

جزاكم الله كل خيرا علي حرف في هذا الملف
آمين يارب وإياك
جزاكم الله خير أستاذ مطلق
هل تعتقد أنها فكرة حسنة أن يتم وضع أسئلة الكفايات السابقة
على مايكروسوفت فورمز ليختبر المعلم نفسه بنفسه
كمراجعة لاختبار الرخصة.
امين وإياك اخوي بندر .. رأي طيب وبإذن الله نكمل عدة مواضيع وأسئلة تفاعلية في هذا الموقع
نفس طريقة فورمز ..
في ميزان حسناتكم كل من ساهم في جمع الأسئلة ووفقكم الله وقضى حوائجكم
آمين وإياكم يارب