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اختبار كفايات

1 / 23

5-While teaching listening, which of the following includes a
technique a language instructor might use to implement top-down

2 / 23

4-The understanding of the function of the spoken utterance in a given
........situation is known as

3 / 23

........bottom-up listening strategies include -

4 / 23

2- The vowel in the word “fight” is:

5 / 23

1- the words stake and steak are:

6 / 23

?Sally Shaywitz talked about two neutral pathways for reading in the of the brain. in which of the brain do these pathways resides

7 / 23

?-in which reading strategy do students identify and fix problems with their understanding of the text

8 / 23

- ?which one is a sub-clausal negation:

9 / 23

"each other is a ......... pronoun.

10 / 23

- In academic writing, what is the part of a research paper that typically gives the reader brief idea about the whole paper including research methodologies used and main findings?

11 / 23

- ?which of the following is a general learning outcome

12 / 23

Writing that conveys a story, and often is read for pleasure is recognized as.........writing

13 / 23

... By Noam Chomsky _______ is an ability linguistics, knowing meaning of word even if not hear before

14 / 23

..-closed-ended questions are designed to

15 / 23

? Which of the following is a specific learning outcome

16 / 23

-ELL beginners in Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries tend to use the [b] sound instead of [p] when pronouncing the word ‘protocol’ which  ؟of the following types of negative L1 transfer could be used to describe this phenomenon

17 / 23

Which of the conversational maxims does the speaker seem to be particularly careful about in this sentences “I may be mistaken, but I thought I saw him smoking yesterday?  y”


18 / 23

Which of the conversational maxims does the speaker seem to be particularly careful about in this sentences “I may be mistaken, but I thought I saw him smoking yesterday?  y”


19 / 23

.......-sounds made with the tongue touching the front teeth. Such as the English /θ/ and /ð/ are

20 / 23

?9-Which question is most relevant to identifying the desired results of a lesson

21 / 23

?which of the following stages of a lesson encourages students to use their preexisting knowledge


22 / 23

?are real objects used to help EFL students better understand the meaning of new vocabulary.......

23 / 23

Which skills associated wit6-Which skills associated with the Broca Area in the brain?


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————————————- نسعد بزيارتكم للموقع وتصفحكم لمواضيع وأقسام موقع بلبل إنقلش English Level Test اختبر مستواك في اللغة الأنجليزية عبر احد هذه المواقع الرخصة المهنية للمعلمين English Stories Lessons- دروس اللغة الإنجليزية Games – العاب تعليمية مميزة Quizzes- اختبارات متنوعة Grammar-شروحات القواعد ———————————————- اختبار كفايات

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.35 ( 5 أصوات)
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