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أسئلة القواعد مع الحل اختبار كفايات step

تم تحميل هذه الملفات من قناة ستيب بالتلقرام رابط القناة بالأسفل

أسئلة القواعد مع الحل – اختبار كفايات step


  1. Don’t take this book.

    It’s ……………… (mine – her – his – he)

mine is possessive pronouns. #mine

  1. My teacher used to come to class with him…………… (few pens – some pens)

few pens is countable ,we use some with math or an uncountable.

some#few pins3. If I………….. more time, I…….. many languages. (have/ learn – had / had learned – had/ would learned)

this is if type 3 because of hope and despair. IF4. Hana: Is that Dare’s? Ahmed: No, it’s…… (me – my – mine)

possessive pronouns 5. My father was born (at –in– on) June 22, 1988.

on used for complete date. On6. I (think/ am thinking) grammar is easy.

We use think is correct , am thinking is going deep matter. thinkam thinking7. Look! Khalid …………. about his problem. (thinks/ is thinking)

is thinking is to think about something now deepIs thinking

  1. The man…….. I met last night was happy.


    (whom – who – which)

we use whom when it refered to the object in the sentence,we use who when it refered to subject.

whowhom9. When the move actress entered the room, everyone turned and looked at………….! (herself – hers – her)

the co6 is herself because movie actress are female but everyone means every actress.

  1. If they ……..enough money , they would have built modern villas. (had had-had-have)

if type 3 IF

  1. If you…………. Me, I can get full marks. (teach – teached – had teached)

if type 1 IF

  1. I prepare for my project…………… author’s books do you recommend (which – who – that)

which expressing things in place of object. which

  1. Jenny wasn’t able to come to yesterday meeting. She………. Take her mother to the dentist. (must to – had to – could – would)

had to the past of must to the situation is obligation or necessity.

must to# had to14. I…….. do it if I could, but I am already busy with something else. (Will – can – would – shell)

would is more strong in use if type 1 with exceptional.

if#would15. My Family has lived her………… last march. (for – since – in – by)

since is correct last March specific of time #since

  1. She has worked there………she finished College. (for – since – in – by)

since is correct her the rule expressing certain events

since17. ………… Some money here. (there’s – there’re – more)

there is for singular math (some money). there

  1. I’ve got……….. many problems. (too – a – enough – really)

too means extra . #too

  1. A: …………. You do as you are told, you will not be allowed in this class.

    B: Ok then, if you insist. (if only – if – supposing – uncles)

uncles means if not the main clause is negative.

if not# uncles20. A: How do you feel?
B: Not good. I wish I ……….. that big meal lost night. (didn’t have – wouldn’t have had – hadn’t had)

had not had is correct because we used wish +past perfect if we want that something in the past is difference.

wish + past perfect# had not had21. A: would you like to go out to night?
B: Not really, I’d ………. Stay at home and watch TV. (rather – like – want – prefer)

I would rather means prefer we use rather because grammatically correct.

rather# I would rather22. A: what ………… happen if all the clocks in land on stopped?
B: I don’t know that a silly question! (do – will – can – would)

would is correct because of if 2 # wouldIF

  1. A: was John ready for his exam last week?

    B: No, he…….. studied anything at all. (hasn’t – hadn’t – didn’t – wasn’t)**

had not expressing perfect had not

  1. I know the………. Name. (thief’s)

thief’s name is possessive case

  1. When I…………… in Cairo, I……. my family (arrived / called)

we use the same clause when we use when when 26. I …………… do it, if could, but I am already busy with something else (would).

would +verb# would +verb expressing unreal past . 28. Nayef makes breakfast while lunch …… by his wife (is made).

is made by his wife is passive voice. # is made by his wife

  1. The teacher told the children ………to the swimming. (Not to go – No go – Don’t go)

Not to go is correct because we use indirect speech?when we used told indirect speech we use not to+verb.

told#Not to gonot to + verb

  1. What she said?


    She told me………..the prescription. (that l take – to take)

to take indirect speech. #to take

  1. Where ……… you working before joining his company? ( were – does– was – has)

was is correct because the question past continuous tense from the forms of the question you refered to second person singular.


  1. ……… they go to Emma’s party yesterday? ( Did– Do–Does– Were)

Did is correct ,forms of simple past question.

did33. Jeddah ……… Rabigh. It’s a cosmopolitan city. (the most interesting– is more interesting than– is more interesting– more interesting than)

is more interesting than is compare more things notice is refered to Jeddah.

is more interesting than34. What are you ………? ( going buy–go to buy– going to buy–will buy)

going to used to expressing future then followed with infinitive without to. togoing to35. When I ……… him, He was sleeping. ( called – call– calling– calls )

called is correct we use when to linked two clauses shows the past continuous action during past.

when# called36. I went ……… the shop ……… buy some clothes. ( for/ to – to/ to –for/ for–to/ for)

to indicate to the place,second one shows to do something.

  1. We have ……… each other since childhood


    (knowing – know– knows–known)

PP = known the sentence is simple perfect tense

  1. What were you doing at 8:00? ( I am reading a book– I read a book– I have read a book – I was reading a book)

the question is about past continuous tense the answer should be in past continuous.

  1. There is ……… orange juice in the bottle. ( many – some– few– any)

some is correct .we use affirmative sentence which shows the quantity of juice in the bottle or the usage of uncountable


  1. I enjoy……………. for friends. ( to cook – cook– cooking –to cooking)

when we use enjoy or words alike we should use verbs +ing

ingverbs +ingenjoy I’d like…………. in Jeddah. It’s a very beautiful city.( to live– live– living–lived)

when we use (would like) usually we use verb infinitive with to. (Would like used to expressing hope or desire. would liketowould like

  1. If I …………a car, I would go to Makah right now. ( have –had– has– to have)

had is correct because if clause should be past and we use would +infinitive in main clause .we use this expression or rule of IF 2

would + infif# hadif

  1. The children are ………… We are taking them to Disneyland. (interesting– boring – excited– disappointing)

excited is correct because here this sentence depending on semantically rather than grammatically

excited43. She told me………..the prescription. (that l take – to take – Take)

To take is correct the same prefuse question 128 to take

  1. They ……….ever check their emails . ( hard – harder – hardly)**
  2. The boor…….happy. (are – were)

are is correct because boor and rich are collective nouns most collective nouns comes with are.

are# arethan# faster46. I broke my pen ……. I was doing my homework. (when – while – where –whish)
While is correct these complex sentence had tow tense past and past continuous
while47. He didn’t ……glasses (put – wear – take)

wear comes with glasses wearglasses

  1. He…….to brazil on business . (go – went)

went is correct

went49. The phone’s ringing ……answer it. (I’ll –will –I)

I will is correct the sentence in progressing
I will50. I like ……..movies so much. (watching – watched –watches)

watching is correct because we use like which obligate to v+ ing forms.

V+inglike# watching

  1. I hate to…… in the evening . (drinking – drinks – drink)

drink is correct because we use to before the verb to express progressing because we use the word hate


  1. If I go to the Paris, I……………visit Eiffel tower . (will – would – be – been)

will is correct because if 1 # willif

  1. If you freeze water , it …….ice. (become –became – becomes –becoming)

if conditional type 0 if

  1. If I………met him, I …….told him the truth. (have/would – had/ would have – have / will)

if conditional type 3 if

  1. How about ……to the theater this Monday? (go – went – going – gone)

going is correct because it following with to which expressing future

to# going

  1. I’m interested in ……….English. (learning – learned – learn – learned)

learning is correct because we use interest in sentence that explain the feeling see question

interest# learning is correct57. Ahmad enjoys ……….Arabic short stories. (read – reads – reading )

reading is correct because we use enjoy as word of feeling that obligate the verb with ing forms

ingenjoy# reading

  1. Old people need …………… checkup routinely. (get – to get – getting)

to get is correct because it comes after the word need ,the word which comes after should be Infinitive with to.

toneed# to get

  1. Ahmed needs ………..quite. (to be – be)

to be is correct because this question the rules in148

to be

155- Fruit should …………….. . (be refrigerated) 156-.The box ……………from recycled paper. (made- was made- make) 157/-Can I talk to the manager?No,he …………to meet now. ( is running) 159 /Why don’t you let your brother _ with you to the game . (to go ) 160/ I tried _ pizza restaurant three times and the line is busy, I guess we’ll cal another restaurant . (to calling ) 161/ Ben listened to his father talking about his future (attentively ) 162/ Ali his mother a necklace last her birthday. (gave) 163/ Ali has not done _ reading to know what the subject about . enough) 177. In 1995, Ahmad……..19 years old. a. were b. is has been d. was 178. This glass…….by Mohammad last night. a. was broken b. were broken c. has been broken d. is broken 179-. People here…………bow when they greet each other. a. don’t b. doesn’t c. isn’t d. aren’t 180- Khalid eats ………………apple daily. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 11 181- Do you want………….rice? a. a b. an c. the d. no article 182- If Mohammad……………well. He would get this job. a. does b. did c. has done d. have done 183- The rabbit was killed…………..the lion. a. from b. in c. for d. by 184. The noun of furnished is………….. a. further b. furnace c. furnish d. furniture 185- Students………their classes through the whole of the year. a. attends b. attend c. attended d. has attended 186- Look! Ahmad is bleeding heavily. We….call the emergency. a. must b. would have c. could will have 187- Sami………………… these days. a. is not playing b. is not played c. don’t play d. is play 188- Students from our university……….Red Sea last week. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 189- Do you know Mohammad? Yes, he is …… good person. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 190- If he …………..faster, he would catch the flight. a. were b. was c. has been d. had been 191- If Mohammad……..early, he will attend all of his classes. a. gets up b. get up c. got up has got up 192- My mother was…………….her because she didn’t clean her room. a. angered to b. angry with c. angry to d. angered with 193- By the time William is forty years old, he fifteen novels and two . .collections of short stories -( has written – will be writing – will be writuyng) 194 – Please don’t disturb me right now. I _ to finish the last page of ..this report ( am trying – will try – have tried ) 12 195- The Chinese the oldest calendar of any culture in the world today. ( has had – has – have) 196- Who was the door ? ( on – in – of) 197 – We’ll have taken our exams _ this time next month. ( by – on – for) 198 – A: Do you like photography b. Not really,but I’m quite interested__art ( on – of – in) 199- sometimes go to school………….. bus. ( in – to – by) 200- She waited …………. the bus in the bus stop . ( for – to – of) 201 – if it____necessary, we would have done it. ( is – had been – has been ) 202- if you____to town tomorow, will you do some shopping for me. ( will go – go – went) 203- if john____hard, hecould pass the examination . ( works – worked – has worked) 204- if____the question would answer . ( understood – understand – have understood) 205- if we get up in time, catch the train. ( we caught – we had caught – we’ll catch) 206 – If I enough money. I’d buy a new car. ( had – did – shall) 207- Khalid always gets up 6 o’clock in the morning. (A in B on C at D for) 208 – Musa: Would you like some coffee? Ali: ; I don’t like coffee. (A Yes, thank you B No, thank you C Maybe, if you don’t mind D Of course)
209 – Samir: Are you going to watch television tonight? Ali: I know I should study, but I watch it for my favorite program. (A would B won’t C may D can’t ) 210 – Are the kids sleeping right now? No, they playing with their toys. (A not be B are C be D aren’t) 211 – . I’ve seen that video. I watched it last night. ( A always B never C usually D already ) 212 . Ali was thirsty after exercising, so he a glass of water. ( A drinks B is drinking C drank D was drinking ) 213. It to rain while Tariq and I to school. (A begin / was driving B began / were driving C began / drove D begin / drive) 214 – I am Interesting ……… playing football. (by – in- for) 215 – ………..) 5 O’clock. (at – on – of 216 – They are ………….. (wolf – wolves- wolfs). 217- Muslims pray five time (per- …) day. 218- Samir: Are you going to watch television tonight? Ali: I know I should study, but I watch it for my favorite program. A would B won’t C may D can’t 219 – Ahmed will fail the subjects …. …….. he studies hard .( until -though-unless) 220 – The water ………….. yesterday. ( froze- fraze- frezed)
1- Which of the following is correctly punctuated? a. Mr. Samir my teacher, is a professional programmer. b. Mr. Samir my teacher is a professional programmer. c. Mr. Samir, my teacher, is a professional programmer. d. Mr. Samir my teacher is, a professional programmer. 2- Which of the following is correctly punctuated? a. Ahmad, Mohammad, Sami are my best friends. b. Ahmad, Mohammad and Sami are my best friends. c. Ahmad, Mohammad and Sami, are my best friends. d. Ahmad, Mohammad, Sami, are my best friends. 3- Which of the following is correctly punctuated? a. In 1993, Fahad and Faisal went to the UK to study English language. b. In 1993. Fahad and Faisal went to the UK to study English language. c. In 1993, Fahad, Faisal went to the UK to study English language. d. In 1993, Fahad and Faisal went to the UK, to study English language 4- Which of the following is correctly punctuated? a) ahmad was studying in al -salam school b) Ahmad was studying in Al-Salam school c)Ahmad was studying in al -Salam school d)Ahmad Was studying in Al-Salam school 5 – In which of the following sentences is the punctuation correct? A. Although I was late arriving at the office I was able to finish my duties: I may arrive late sometimes, but my work is always done on time. B . Although I was late arriving at the office, I was able to finish my duties; I may arrive late sometimes but, my work is always done on time. C . Although I was late arriving at the office, I was able to finish my duties; I may arrive late, sometimes but my work is always done on time. D . Although I was late arriving at the office, I was able to finish my duties; I may arrive late sometimes, but my work is always done on time. 1- Which of the following sentences is correctly capitalized? a. We had a trip to the red sea with mr. Ahmad, who is our teacher, last month. b. We had a trip to the Red Sea with Mr. Ahmad, who is our teacher, last month. c. We had a trip to the Red sea with Mr. Ahmad, who is our teacher, last month..
d. We had a trip to the Red Sea with Mr. ahmad, who is our teacher, last month. 2- Which of the following sentences is correctly capitalized? a. This Summer, my family will travel to Oman the whole vacation. b. This Summer, my Family will travel to Oman the whole vacation. c. This summer, my family will travel to Oman the whole vacation. d. This Summer, my family will travel to oman the whole vacation. 3- Which of the following sentences is incorrectly capitalized?
a. In Spain, they take siestas. b. In Spain they take siestas. c- In spain, they take siestas. d- In Spain, they take Siestas.
4- in which of the following sentences is the capitalization correct?
A- Khalid can never convince people here in Saudi arabia that he is originally from New York City because he speaks Hejazi Arabic so well.
B – Khalid can never convince people here in Saudi Arabia that he is originally from New York city because he speaks hejazi Arabic so well. C – Khalid can never convince people here in Saudi Arabia that he is originally from New York City because he speaks Hejazi Arabic so well.
D – Khalid can never convince people here in Saudi Arabia that he is originally from New York City because he speaks Hejazi arabic so well.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Identify the incorrect underlined word or words and mark your response on your answer sheet. 1- Khalid and Ahmad is traveling tomorrow from Dammam to Jeddah by bus. a. Jeddah b. tomorrow c. by d. is 2-Sarah and I enjoy writing letters to our friends and to help others. a. I b. our friends c. to help d. writing 3- Our next meeting will take place next Monday on 5 pm at this building. a. will b. Monday c. on d. at 4- When I saw the man with an umbrella, it reminded me that I need to buying one. We don’t have much rain in my city, but London gets a lot of rain. A . saw B . buying C . don’t have . D a lot of
—————————————————————————————- Choose the correct order to make the following sentences into a paragraph: (1) There wasn’t much time left before my flight would depart. (2) My father rushed to the airport to bring my ticket. (3) I was very happy when my vacation came. (4) At the airport I discovered that I had forgotten my ticket. (5) Thanks to my father, I was able to leave on time. A (4), (5), (1), (3), (2) B (3), (4), (1), (2), (5) C (3), (5), (2), (1), (4 ) D (4), (3), (5), (1), (2)
1) The student to study vocabulary.(had – has – should – must)#The rule is about have to . The obligation comes out from the person . The subject is student should use has to. has tohave to 2) I met my friend __
the afternoon.
( in – on – at )

Use in for parts of the day example : in the morning , in afternoon, in the evening but notice we used At night . inAt

3) I cut while cooking. ( myself – mine – me – I) This is reflexive pronouns which refer to pronoun (I) in the sentence . therefore the correct answer is myself. (I)# 4) Milk must cold to remain fresh. (be kept – kept)

must be kept is correct the modal verb here is order or obligation.

5) Saud decide ………. At home to day. (to stay – to staying – stay)

when we used decide that means we use infinitive with to , the correct is to stay. to staytodecide6) The mechanic ……….. works on my car is very experienced. (who – when – which – is)

who is referred to person. Rule of relatives pronouns.

who7) King Abdul-Aziz stay in Riyadh………. 1314H. (for – since – to – from – in) since # we use in with year

8) ………… I arrived, he was talking on the phone. (after – once – when – while)

when is correct when we linked tow events past during progressive else.

when9) If I had extra food, I always……. it to the poor. (give – gave – given)

past in if clause we used would or past tense don’t worry about always in main clause. alwayswouldIF10) the man…….. I met last night was happy.(whom – who – which)

we use whom when it refered to the object in the sentence,we use who when it refered to subject. .whowhom11) Ms. Amir,………………the students call him Ms. Amir, thought boys physical activates

whom –which –he –him whom # whom is correct
Why don’t you let your brother __ with you to the game . (to go )
12) The student prepare for his project…………… author’s books do you recommend (which – who – that)

which expressing things in place of object. which

13) Saudis like Chinese food but not as _______as their traditional meals. ( much many)
14) If my father was there,…………. (would help us)

the rule of IF type 2

IF15) My brother was athlete, he…………. Before gained weight. (was used to – is used to – used to)

used to expressing past habits *notice the first clause. used to

16) Ahmed pays the bill by his card, because he does not have………… money in his wallet. (mush – many – plenty)

we use much with money moneymuch17) If I………….. more time, I…….. many languages. (have/ learn – had / had learned – had/ would learned)

this is if type 3 because of hope and despair. IF

18) I visit king Saud library and I usually …………. (study – studying –studied –has studied)

study usage of present simple



19) The city developed last few years, many new building………….. (built – were built – have built – have been built)

have been built perfect progress during near past time.

have been built20) I…… visiting my parents next week? (am)

using present progress expressing future.

21) Airplanes is _ than helicopters. ( faster – fastest – more faster – most fastest)
22) If I go to the Paris, I……………visit Eiffel tower .
(will – would – be – been)

will is correct because if 1

1if# will
23) If I………met him, I …….told him the truth. (have/would – had/ would have – have / will)

if conditional type 3 3if24) If I________ a doctor , I_____ treat people for free. ( was\ will _ were\ would _ am\will ).

25) In which sentence is all CAPITALIZATION CORRECT?One man wakes up every day and goes to the bus top.That day weather was hot so he decided to buy an ice cream .He went to the super market and buy an ice cream and went home . His family was waiting for him when he back home.They are all surprised to see him with an ice cream and all they enjoyed the ice cream together .
1) which one of the underlined words or phrases is INCORRECT?
 my brother explained me the math problem so I understood…
(explained – so )
 one of the biggest problems that face many countries are the traffic ( problems_ are )
Is traffic (are
2) I…….. do it if I could, but I am already busy with something else. (Will – can – would – shell)

would is more strong in use if type 1 with exceptional.

3) I met my friend _ the afternoon
( in – on – at )

Use in for parts of the day example : in the morning , in afternoon, in the evening but notice we used At night . inAt

4) Eating ice cream is bad for my health , I eat ice cream any more.
mustn’t _ don’t have to)
Use mustn’t because the rule of self-obligation notice (I) must not means prohibited for himself. mustn’t#I mustn’t
5) Milk must __ cold to remain fresh. (be kept – kept)

must be kept is correct the modal verb here is order or obligation.

6) I cut ____while cooking.
( myself – mine – me – I)
This is reflexive pronouns which refer to pronoun (I) in the sentence . therefore the correct answer is myself.
7) Jana live……. New York, and study…………. New York university.
(in/at – on/in – in/on – at/on)

in preposition of place

8) … play many sport ?
(do – have – has – are)
9) My father died…………… June 22 (on – at – in) on # #on used for months of the year
10) ………….king Abdullah became the king, he gave the women opportunities. (since– before)

since here means in progressive of time since

11) We need……………butter to make this cake. (some – any – much – many)

some for math or uncountable nouns (butter) some

12)Ahmed makes breakfast while she………………. lunch (is made – made – makes)

makes is correct because while liked two the same tense. The tense here is present simple.

while#makes13)The cake was sitting on the table when the children………… the class. (enter – entered – entering)

the cake was sitting is past continuous WHEN makes the sentence into two parts in the past ,thus the correct sintered. # the cake was suttingWHEN

14) Jeddah…………….. on red sea. (located – is located)

is located is description of passive*#is located

15) If my father was there,…………. (would help us)

the rule of IF type 2 IF

16) Saud decide ………. At home to day. (to stay – to staying – stay)

when we used decide that means we use infinitive with to , the correct is to stay to staytodecide17) Have……….. of seeds and plants in their garden. (a lot – many – much – plenty)

we use a lot because it comes with of .alotof

18) King Abdul-Aziz stay in Riyadh………. 1314H. (for – since – to – from – in)

we use in with year

19) ………… I arrived, he was talking on the phone. (after – once – when – while)

when is correct when we linked tow events past during progressive else.

when20) I prepare for my project…………… author’s books do you recommend (which – who – that)

which expressing things in place of object. which

21) A: it is Eric’s? B: Yes,……….. (it is his –it

the possessive case

22) The City developed last few years, many building …………… (built – were built – have built – have been built)
23) My mother and ……will finish shopping and then take taxi. (me- mine – I – myself)
I is correctI
24) Peter………at seven o’clock. (gets up- is get up)

gets up is present simple .# gets up

25) Carla……………. To the radio all morning. (had listen – listened)
26) Do you know what ………….? (time it is – time is it)

the indirect question the ordering of helping verb or verb comes after. 27) I…… visiting my parents next week? (am)

using present progress expressing future.

28) The student __ to study vocabulary.(had – has – should – must)

The rule is about have to . The obligation comes out from the person . The subject is student should use has to.

has tohave to 29) The last exam was _ than the first one.(easier – easy- the easiest)# easier followed by than the rule compare two things .thaneasier #30) I ——- my job three days ago.( lost – am lost)lost Lost past simple 31) Youssef lost entire graduation project his computer crashed .( so when _ during _ although )# when linked two clause to give result.
32) If I have extra food , I always __
it to poor people .( give – gave – given – giving).#present in if clause we used will or present in main clausewill if
33) My vacation is being………….. June 22. (on – in – at)

we use on for months of year. on

34) When I …………. The school, I ……….. shopping. (finish/will go – finished/go)

thus condition sentence begins with when therefore we use present in the first clause and will +infinitive. willwhen35) A: I don’t really like watching TV much.

B: John doesn’t……… That’s why I watch it. (so – either – neither – too)

we use either for negative but notice not before it.

36) A: How do you feel?
B: Not good. I wish I ……….. that big meal lost night. (didn’t have – wouldn’t have had – hadn’t had)

had not had is correct because we used wish +past perfect if we want that something in the past is difference.

wish + past perfect# had not had
1) Milk must __ cold to remain fresh. (be kept – kept)

must be kept is correct the modal verb here is order or obligation.

2) I met my friend _ the afternoon.
( in – on – at )

Use in for parts of the day example : in the morning , in afternoon, in the evening but notice we used At night . inAt

3) I cut ____while cooking.
( myself – mine – me – I)
This is reflexive pronouns which refer to pronoun (I) in the sentence . therefore the correct answer is myself.
4) Saud decide ………. At home to day. (to stay – to staying – stay)

when we used decide that means we use infinitive with to , the correct is to stay. to staytodecide5) The student __ to study vocabulary.

(had – has – should – must)#The rule is about have to . The obligation comes out from the person . The subject is student should use has to. has tohave to 6) If I have extra food , I always __ it to poor people .( give – gave – given – giving).if#present in if clause we used will or present in main clausewill
7) Luxe’s cars … Japanese company. ( are made ).8) Ahmad’s mother kept looking at him sympathetic while he…………….lectured by his father. (is – has been – was being -been ).
While is a link word we use between a progressive verb and the work which has finished in the past simple
9)Muhammad and ahmed enjoy ______spending time together (themselves).10) I didn’t …………… to the holiday last year. (go – went – going)

go is correct because the sentence forms negative past .

go11) Ali is fixing brothers bicycle.

Then Ali……………. . Can they help him? (he helps – is helping – was helping)

It is present progressive Notice the full stop before CAN.

12) What ……….. your’s job? (does – is – do – has)

is the usage of present simple . is

13) ………………water here. (a – few – some)

some is correct .water uncountable nouns this if the end words is here !


14) The city developed last few years, many new building………….. (built – were built – have built – have been built)

have been built perfect progress during near past time.

have been built

15) We ………… there days ago? (played – have play – are played)

played simple past tense. played

16) Don’t take this book.
It’s ……………… (mine – her – his – he)

mine is possessive pronouns. #mine

17) ………… home. (at – on – in)

at used for preposition of please in general.

at# in for part of the day. #in
18) The cake was sitting on the table when the children………… the class. (enter – entered – entering)

the cake was sitting is past continuous WHEN makes the sentence into two parts in the past ,thus the correct sintered.

WHEN# the cake was sutting19) I ——- my job three days ago.
( lost – am lost)lost Lost past simple 20) Can you open the window?
We need …….…. (a fresh air – fresh air – an air fresh)

fresh air is correct

21) Saud decide ………. At home to day. (to stay – to staying – stay)

when we used decide that means we use infinitive with to , the correct is to stay to staytodecide22) ………… I arrived, he was talking on the phone. (after – once – when – while)

when is correct when we linked tow events past during progressive else.

when23) Peter………at seven o’clock. (gets up- is get up)

gets up is present simple .

gets up24) A: In our school they ……………. Stay behind late if we didn’t do our homework. (made us – let us to – didn’t allow us – for cad as)

the sentence is conditional used if with negative past we should use past of make which comes order or compulsory. 25) I…… visiting my parents next week? (am)

using present progress expressing future.

26) What she said?
She told me………..the prescription.
(that l take – to take)

to take indirect speech. #to take

27) I visit king Saud library and I usually …………. (study – studying –studied –has studied)

study usage of present simple #study

28) I enjoy……………. for friends. ( to cook – cook– cooking –to cooking)

when we use enjoy or words alike we should use verbs +ing ingverbs +ingenjoy29) I’d like…………. in Jeddah. It’s a very beautiful city.( to live– live– living–lived)

when we use (would like) usually we use verb infinitive with to. (Would like used to expressing hope or desire. would liketowould like

30) If I …………a car, I would go to Makah right now. ( have –had– has– to have)

had is correct because if clause should be past and we use would +infinitive in main clause .we use this expression or rule of IF 2

would + infif# had if31) If I have a snack, I always……….. them with my friends (Share) #if conditional 0IF
32) In which sentence is all CAPITALIZATION correct ?a) Ahmad has three academic subjects in English French and Biology.b) Ahmad has three academic subjects in English, French and biology.
c) Ahmad has three academic subjects in English, French and Biology.
1) Russia is_____ than Canada. ( bigger _ the biggest )
2) My sister is Anna, ………….is eighteen years old.
( She_ he _ her )
3) Ahmed crashed computer …………he went to the computer repair shop.
( and- but- so- because ).
4) Children will sleep as soon as guests ………….left. ( has- had- were- have) 5) When ………….back from school tomorrow. (are you come-have you coming-will you come) 6) Can i talk to the manager? No, he _to meet now. (Is running) 7) ___ forty day. ( for – since) 8) If ……….., …………said. (had/would have). 9) When you arrive at the airport tomorrow, someone ……………..for you at the checkpoint.
(will be waiting) 10) Ahmed will fail the subjects …. …….. he studies hard ( until -though-unless). 11) Ahmed does not remember__________. (Where the files are- where are the files). 12) let me . ) 13) In my opinion money for cheap things. ( spending – to spend – spend ).
14) I met my friend _ the afternoon.
( in – on – at )

Use in for parts of the day example : in the morning , in afternoon, in the evening but notice we used At night . inAt

15) I cut while cooking. ( myself – mine – me – I) This is reflexive pronouns which refer to pronoun (I) in the sentence . therefore the correct answer is myself. (I)# 16) Tom has lived in this town ___ Three years . ( for _ since _ in).

we usually use since and with perfect tense , since to indicate the beginning of a time period until the present . sine# “Since”

17) I didn’t …………… to the holiday last year. (go – went – going)

go is correct because the sentence forms negative past .


18) Ali is fixing brothers bicycle.
Then Ali……………. . Can they help him? (he helps – is helping – was helping)

It is present progressive Notice the full stop before CAN.

thanCAN19) The mechanic ……….. works on my car is very experienced. (who – when – which – is)

who is referred to person. Rule of relatives pronouns.

who20) Does Mohammed………… that the final exam is tomorrow .(know – knowing – is knowing)

know in simple tense Dose should with infinitive words. DOES21) Saud decide ………. At home to day. (to stay – to staying – stay)

when we used decide that means we use infinitive with to , the correct is to stay to staytodecide22) I met my friend _ the afternoon

( in – on – at )

Use in for parts of the day example : in the morning , in afternoon, in the evening but notice we used At night . inAt

23) If I have extra food , I always __ it to poor people .
( give – gave – given – giving).#present in if clause we used will or present in main clausewill if24) I ——- my job three days ago.( lost – am lost)lost Lost past simple
25) Ahmad’s mother kept looking at him sympathetic while he…………….lectured by his father. (is – has been – was being – been ).
While is a link word we use between a progressive verb and the work which has finished in the past simple .
26) None can ………you if you are not serious. ( helps–to help–helped– help)

help refered to you in if clause the sentence which used is simple present IF27) My father will arrive………. ( tomorrow– yesterday– last week– two days ago)

will arrive tomorrow future tense will arrive tomorrow 28) Students from our university……….Red Sea last week. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 29) Do you know Mohammad? Yes, he is …… good person. a. a b. an c. the d. no article

30) Just last two years, all products in shops…………. one sold days before Ramadan. (are sold – sold – has sold – selling)

are sold passive voice but notice that just mean all not only.

“are sold

31) Why don’t you eat sweets the………. were bought by my father in turkey. (were bought – had bought – has bought)??#
32) The manager told his team that you can ask……………. If you played the game well. (yourselves – him – yourself)

this indirect question

33) Have you seen the latest series movie of Turkey?
I see ………… every night. (it – he – that )

It the correct answer because refer to things(latest series movie).

“It34) Ahmed is still thinking of becoming a manager ……………. He was failure to test. (even though – even unless)

even though means definite outcome or consequences of something.

35) My father died…………… June 22 (on – at – in)

on used for months of the year.

36) If Khalid had watched that program, he ……………. it (would enjoy –will enjoy – would have enjoyed)

If we use past perfect in if clause we use would have +pp. would have +ppIF37) If they ……..enough money , they would have built modern villas. (had had-had-have)

if type 3 IF

38)) She can…….. it (do – does)

do comes after CAN the verb infinitive comes after modal verbs in present simple.

CANdo39) A: was John ready for his exam last week?
B: No, he…….. studied anything at all. (hasn’t – hadn’t – didn’t – wasn’t)**

had not expressing perfect had not

40) When I…………… in Cairo, I……. my family (arrived / called)

we use the same clause when we use when when41) Jeddah ……… Rabigh. It’s a cosmopolitan city. (the most interesting– is more interesting than– is more interesting– more interesting than)

is more interesting than is compare more things notice is refered to Jeddah.

is more interesting than42) Amal went to London……………. .

(to learn- learn-learning) 43) New jacket! Where ………….you buy it? (did- were- are- is) 44) What time …………back from school tomorrow. (did you come- are you coming) 45) Fruit should …………….. . (be refrigerated) 46) The box ……………from recycled paper. (made- was made- make)
47) Seem ( to + v )
48) Children went to sleep as soon as guests ………….left. (have- had-has been- were)
49) Eating ice cream is bad for my health , I eat ice cream any more.
mustn’t _ don’t have to)Use mustn’t because the rule of self-obligation notice (I) must not means prohibited for himself. mustn’t#I mustn’t
51) The student __ to study vocabulary.(had – has – should – must)#The rule is about have to . The obligation comes out from the person . The subject is student should use has to.
has tohave to 52) If I had extra food, I always……. it to the poor. (give – gave – given)

past in if clause we used would or past tense don’t worry about always in main clause. alwayswouldIF53) Mother’s sons said to them , eat your breakfast ………,they staffed their mouths until dishes get empty. (however – since – so –as)

as is correct because we use it for result and you should notice comma after as,

ascomma# as54) Which one of the underline words or phrases is Incorrect?
Ail and Majed has……………… ( has)
( HaveHas
55) Go and ( bring)
56) Let him ( leave)
57) Want (to + v)
58) What does mean this word Or What does this word mean ? what does this word mean
59) I didn’t …………… to the holiday last year.
(go not – went – going)

go is correct because the sentence forms negative past .


60) The cake was sitting on the table when the children………… the class. (enter – entered – entering)

the cake was sitting is past continuous WHEN makes the sentence into two parts in the past ,thus the correct sintered.

WHEN# the cake was sutting61) Nayef makes breakfast while lunch …… by his wife (is made).

is made by his wife is passive voice. # is made by his wife 62) I ………. My car. (am fixing).

the answer unclear what about the other choice,by the way am fixing is correct if we understand the action is progressing am fixing63) Choose the correct order to make the following sentences into a paragraph: Children were playing out side the garden . They saw a honey bee .They let the bee go inside the garden. 64/Choose the correct order to make the following sentences into a paragraph: Last night in my home Ac Stopped working all my family members did not sleep well . The next day father called the mechanic he repaired . Our Ac now my home is quiet cold Ac is start working .

1) I met my friend _ the afternoon.
( in – on – at )

Use in for parts of the day example : in the morning , in afternoon, in the evening but notice we used At night . inAt

2) I cut while cooking. ( myself – mine – me – I) This is reflexive pronouns which refer to pronoun (I) in the sentence . therefore the correct answer is myself. (I)# 3)Tom has lived in this town ___ Three years . ( for _ since _ in).

we usually use since and with perfect tense , since to indicate the beginning of a time period until the present . sine# “Since”

4) If I have e xtra food , I always __ it to poor people .( give – gave – given – giving).#present in if clause we used will or present in main clause
will if5) What time …………back from school tomorrow. (did you come- are you coming) 6) Choose the correct order to make the following sentences into a paragraph: His mother wakes him up for fajer prayer . He got up takes a bath prays fajer then he has his break fast He gets ready wears his uniform and goes to school ……
1) We need……………butter to make this cake. (some – any – much – many)

some for math or uncountable nouns (butter).

some2) I lost my wallet in the mall, I walked asking, if anyone ……………. it (had seen – had soon – has seen – have seen)

had seen used of past perfect from the sentence there are more past events . .had seen3) Where did go mike?

I don’t know where ………….. (went he – he went – did go he – he did go)

he went in the rule of reported question.

he went4) I have finished the quiz what?

We started the quiz for ten minutes ago.
You ………… to finish the quiz so quickly (couldn’t – shouldn’t – mustn’t – can’t – don’t have)

do not have comes with to when the obligation comes from out speaker .

todo not have5) It is 3 P.M. I …………. for over 30 minutes (had waited – has waited – have waited)

It is perfect tense the action takes part in past till now.

6) Ali is fixing brothers bicycle.
Then Ali……………. . Can they help him? (he helps – is helping – was helping)

It is present progressive Notice the full stop before CAN. CAN7) I cut ____while cooking.

( myself – mine – me – I)
This is reflexive pronouns which refer to pronoun (I) in the sentence . therefore the correct answer is myself.
8) If I have extra food , I always __ it to poor people .( give – gave – given – giving).#present in if clause we used will or present in main clausewill if9) Ms. Amir,………………the students call him Ms. Amir, thought boys physical activates a. whom – b. which – c. he – d. him

whom is correct #whom

10) ………… home. (at – on – in)

at used for preposition of please in general.

at# in for part of the day. #in
11) Can you open the window?
We need …….…. (a fresh air – fresh air – an air fresh)

fresh air is correct

12) children should learn to clean their own clothes . (yours _ themselves)13) …… did eat my sandwich? ( who)
16) The student __ to study vocabulary.(had – has – should – must)#The rule is about have to . The obligation comes out from the person . The subject is student should use has to.
17) If I had extra food, I always……. it to the poor. (give – gave – given)

past in if clause we used would or past tense don’t worry about always in main clause. alwayswouldIF.

18) I met my friend _ the afternoon
( in – on – at )

Use in for parts of the day example : in the morning , in afternoon, in the evening but notice we used At night . inAt

19) The manager told his team that you can ask……………. If you played the game well. (yourselves – him – yourself)

this indirect question

20) Tom has lived in this town Three years . ( for since _ in).

we usually use since and with perfect tense , since to indicate the beginning of a time period until the present . sine

21) malck is………than khaled. (smarter)

smarter than the rule of comparison between two things.

.# smarter than22) Does Mohammed………… that the final exam is tomorrow (know – knowing – is knowing)

know in simple tense Dose should with infinitive words. DOES23) Saud decide ………. At home to day. (to stay – to staying – stay)

when we used decide that means we use infinitive with to , the correct is to stay to staytodecide24/ Choose the correct order to make the following sentences into a paragraph:

1) It is a heavy bird Ostrich cannot fly because of it heavy weight of an Ostrich .
2) The Ostrich is the largest bird in the world .

3) Approximate weight of an ostrich is around 1.5 Kg. a) ( 2 – 1 –3) b) ( 2 –3 –1) kg

25/ Choose the correct order to make the following sentences into a paragraph:
1)One hunter came and took their boat and went .
2)Two children were sitting under tree. a) ( 2 _ 1) b) (1_2)
ARTICLES a waste time 26
time )
1) The student _ to study vocabulary.(had – has – should – must)#The rule is about have to . The obligation comes out from the person . The subject is student should use has to. 2) If I have extra food , I always it to poor people .( give – gave – given – giving).#present in if clause we used will or present in main clause.will if3) I met my friend the afternoon
( in – on – at )

Use in for parts of the day example : in the morning , in afternoon, in the evening but notice we used At night . inAt

4) I cut while cooking. ( myself – mine – me – I) This is reflexive pronouns which refer to pronoun (I) in the sentence . therefore the correct answer is myself. 51 (I)# 5)Tom has lived in this town ___ Three years . ( for _ since _ in).

we usually use since and with perfect tense , since to indicate the beginning of a time period until the present . sine

6) _____September ( in) 7) Milk must cold to remain fresh. (be kept – kept)

must be kept is correct the modal verb here is order or obligation.

8) ………….king Abdullah became the king, he gave the women opportunities. (since– before)

since here means in progressive of time

9) Ali is fixing brothers bicycle.
Then Ali……………. . Can they help him? (he helps – is helping – was helping)

It is present progressive Notice the full stop before CAN. CAN10) Khalid always gets up _ 6 o’clock in the morning. (on at _ for)

11) I ——- my job three days ago.( lost – am lost)lost Lost past simple 12) My vacation is being………….. June 22. (on – in – at)

we use on for months of year. on.

13) If my father was there,…………. (would help us)

the rule of IF type 2

IF14) My teacher used to come to class with him…………… (few pens – some pens)

few pens is countable ,we use some with math or an uncountable.

some#few pins15) My brother was athlete, he…………. Before gained weight. (was used to – is used to – used to)

used to expressing past habits *notice the first clause. used to16) Where are you going? I am ……….to Super market.(running)

the question in the present continuous the the answer should be in progressive

17) Saud decide ………. At home to day. (to stay – to staying – stay)

when we used decide that means we use infinitive with to , the correct is to stay to staytodecide18) Have……….. of seeds and plants in their garden. (a lot – many – much – plenty)

we use a lot because it comes with of . ofalot19) ………… I arrived, he was talking on the phone. (after – once – when – while)

when is correct when we linked tow events past during progressive else.


when20) I ………. My car. (am fixing)**

the answer unclear what about the other choice,by the way am fixing is correct if we understand the action is progressing am fixing . 21) My father died…………… June 22 (on – at – in)

on used for months of the year. 22) Identify the incorrect underlined word or words and mark your response on your answer sheet.

 My father he………………………………. ( he) is#
23) Hana: Is that Dare’s?
Ahmed: No, it’s……….. (me – my – mine)

possessive pronouns

24) If they ……..enough money , they would have built modern villas. (had had-had-have)

if type 3 IF

25) If you…………. Me, I can get full marks. (teach – teached – had teached)

if type 1 IF26) I…… visiting my parents next week? (am)

using present progress expressing future.

27) you want ……….more coffee. (a lot – many – some –a)

some is correct because we use for uncountable nouns


28) Khaled and Ahmad enjoy
29) the manager ……….we met in the city. (whom – whose – which)

whom is correct, we use whom for the object and we use whose for the things or possession

whosewhom# whom
you should talk to…………. (her – her self – themselves )

her is correct because it is an object pronouns #her

30) The chocolate cake . by the time my father come to home ( Did eat Had eaten was eating Eats ).
31) The city developed last few years, many new building………….. (built – were built – have built – have been built)

have been built perfect progress during near past time.

have been built

32) The last exam was __ than the first one.(easier – easy- the easiest)# easier followed by than the rule compare two things .thaneasier #33) If I had extra food, I always……. it to the poor. (give – gave – given)

past in if clause we used would or past tense don’t worry about always in main clause. alwayswouldIF34) A: it is Eric’s? B: Yes,………..(it is his –it

the possessive case

35) New buildings developed last few years , many building___
( built _ were built _ have built _ have been built ) .
36) I prepare for my project…………… author’s books do you recommend (which – who – that)

which expressing things in place of object. which

37) We need……………butter to make this cake. (some – any – much – many)

some for math or uncountable nouns (butter).


38) When I …………. The school, I ……….. shopping. (finish/will go – finished/go)

thus condition sentence begins with when therefore we use present in the first clause and will +infinitive. willwhen39) Arthur went to buy some…………milk. (many – more – much – some)

milk is liquid comes with some more here means additional some milk. some more40) What time _ back from school tomorrow . ( did you come are you coming ).

41) Saud _ to learn the vocabulary words . ( should must _ can _ has ) 42) How did you respond when the police man asked you
him your driver’s license. ? ( give – to give – giving – to giving).
43) Don’t take that book. It’s ( me – my – mine – myself).
44) What are you doing home? ( in _ at _ to _ on). 45) Mike decided _
at home tonight .
( to staying
to stay _ stayed _ stay)
46) Which one of the underline words or phrases is Incorrect?
Young children love jump , running , skipping , and tumbling to practice their growing motor skill. Furthermore , they develop a better sense of balance and increase in confidence when their skills improve over time.
( jump – their – furthermore – overtime).
47) – must wear a seat belt . ( everybody _ anybody _ anyone – everything). 48) I………my pen lost . ( have – has ). 49) The weather very ___ cold . ( enough _ too)
50) I normally takes _ munities shave , but today I’m taking my time ( much _ lot of – a few ) 57 ) 1) The student to study vocabulary.(had – has – should – must)#The rule is about have to . The obligation comes out from the person . The subject is student should use has to.
2) If I have extra food , I always it to poor people .( give – gave – given – giving).#present in if clause we used will or present in main clause.will if3) I met my friend __
the afternoon
( in – on – at )

Use in for parts of the day example : in the morning , in afternoon, in the evening but notice we used At night . in At

4) I cut while cooking. ( myself – mine – me – I) This is reflexive pronouns which refer to pronoun (I) in the sentence . therefore the correct answer is myself. (I)# 58 5)Tom has lived in this town ___ Three years . ( for _ since _ in).

we usually use since and with perfect tense , since to indicate the beginning of a time period until the present . sine

6) _____September ( in) 7) Milk must cold to remain fresh. (be kept – kept)

must be kept is correct the modal verb here is order or obligation.

8) ………….king Abdullah became the king, he gave the women opportunities. (since– before)

since here means in progressive of time

11) I ——- my job three days ago.( lost – am lost)lost Lost past simple 22) My vacation is being………….. June 22. (on – in – at)

we use on for months of year. .on23) If my father was there,…………. (would help us)

the rule of IF type 2 IF24) My teacher used to come to class with him…………… (few pens – some pens)

few pens is countable ,we use some with math or an uncountable.

some#few pins25) My brother was athlete, he…………. Before gained weight.
(was used to – is used to – used to)

used to expressing past habits *notice the first clause.

used to26) Where are you going? I am ……….to Super market.(running)

the question in the present continuous the the answer should be in progressive

27) Saud decide ………. At home to day. (to stay – to staying – stay)

when we used decide that means we use infinitive with to , the correct is to stay to staytodecide28) Have……….. of seeds and plants in their garden. (a lot – many – much – plenty)

we use a lot because it comes with of . ofalot29) ………… I arrived, he was talking on the phone. (after – once – when – while)

when is correct when we linked tow events past during progressive else.

when 30) Identify the incorrect underlined word or words and mark your response on your answer sheet.

 My father he………………………………. ( he)
21) Let’s me…………..( V1)
22) Jeddah…………….. on red sea. (located – is located)

is located is description of passive*

is located

23) I don’t _ to holiday. (go) 24) ALRajhi Bank is bank Olya. 60 in 25) After Ahmad graduates next year, he ( ) your family and married ( helps _ helped _ will help – has helped) 26) All ( _ ) must be kept medicine. ( Hospital – hospitals – hospital’s- hospitals ‘s )
27) I tried ( to V1).
28) Too + subject + ( to V1) . 29) To take ( these) money to bank . 30) I am tried ( so) I will take a shower and sleep . 31) I take of ( V-ing ) . 32) Hind ( less money than) Fatimah . 33) He drive ( ly)34) _ what gaves ( her) as gift. 35) I ( am) fixing my car . 36) Eating ice cream is bad for my health , I _ eat ice cream any more.
mustn’t _ don’t have to)Use mustn’t because the rule of self-obligation notice (I) must not means prohibited for himself. mustn’t# 37) Choose the correct order to make the following sentences into a paragraph: Our body needs carbohydrate and proteins fat ……
Business is divided into group. Every group has its leader Each group has to write the queries and send it to their leader.

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